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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Linkbait top eighteen

  1. Apple sucks chunks
  2. Microsoft blows chunks
  3. Linux blows monkeys
  4. Is the penguin dead? Microsoft buys every patent in SCO's portfolio
  5. Microsoft admits porn spyware conspiracy: if you look at tits, we will know; and that's our genuine advantage
  6. Linux is less secure than Windows 3.1
  7. Mac OS X has severe vulnerability that allows hackers to access your bum hole
  8. Linux has severe vulnerability that allows hackers to access your bum hole
  9. Windows accesses your bum hole
  10. Bum holes access your Windows
  11. Bible code patented by Microsoft
  12. Cold fusion demonstrated by conjoined twins in Ohio
  13. Mathematical proof of mathematics inability to prove itself proved, or am I? Says Gödel
  14. Perl is shit, .NET is teh bomb
  15. French language traced back to the mumblings of a senile duck with a heavy cold
  16. Eating, drinking water, implicated in lack of immortality say Breatharians
  17. Linux installed on bacteria, Ventner pissed
  18. Digg a lot of shit, say Diggers
  19. Blogger can't count

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