Outside aye? - Here, it's just dusk, or not quite. Rosy sky above the trees. Finches were in the sunflowers, but they have left.
I'm at my desk that is near the window, so I can see across the lawn to the trees. It came to me, the puzzle pieces of things and stuff that is here, btw. Youch, life gets complicated, aye? Unless I miss my guess, but I doubt it.
just you know, how things get at the end of a relationship. how stuff tends to happen. that's all. This venue is wide open to the public, so 'nuff said.
I vote for number two. Rather liked it.
ReplyDeleteyes, number 1 was a bit first-time-can't-work-out-what-that-thing-does
ReplyDeleteyou must be sitting at your desk right now, I bet. Hi Nick!
ReplyDeletewhich anonymous is that?
ReplyDeleteImagine Michigan
ReplyDeleteI should just get a blogspot ID and be done with it. All this sneaking around is getting annoying.
Oops, thought you were someone else - I didn't know you knew my name.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the garden (as it's a warm night for once) with my laptop and the slugs
ReplyDeleteOutside aye? - Here, it's just dusk, or not quite. Rosy sky above the trees. Finches were in the sunflowers, but they have left.
ReplyDeleteI'm at my desk that is near the window, so I can see across the lawn to the trees. It came to me, the puzzle pieces of things and stuff that is here, btw. Youch, life gets complicated, aye? Unless I miss my guess, but I doubt it.
You sign your name on email, so that's where I got that.
ReplyDeletenot such a puzzle then.
ReplyDeletewhat's your guess?
ReplyDeletejust you know, how things get at the end of a relationship. how stuff tends to happen. that's all. This venue is wide open to the public, so 'nuff said.
ReplyDeleteno, still don't get it.
ReplyDeleteNever mind.
Bearing up quite well as it goes.
The sun has set. Time for tea and a book. G'night.
ReplyDeletecheers, bye