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Friday, July 27, 2007

Nearly got the state of the nation

Picture 1.png

Google Analytics points out the continuing struggle to win the hearts and minds of the parvenu colonials (more green=more hits).

Need to find some way of attracting the mid-west.

Marshmallow-stuffed turkey? Because I know you have fairly disgusting diets out there in the nasty blank miles of between.

Or maybe I should find god? (Stuck to my sole).

Rant incoherently for a while on plainly daft theories of ontology and epistemology? (How do I know I'm evolved from slime-mould?). Or is that too up its own fundamentalism?

So if you have a friend (or a backwoods flange of interbred cousins you don't talk about) in the dead miles between cities, drop them a carrier pigeon and get them to access my blog (with their steam-driven Babbage engines, or hay-built abaci), let some slightly dingy British rain into their golden-corn lives.

Also, it appears I'm not appealing to the redneck constituency. What's the matter with y'all? Too busy fucking your sisters?


  1. Anonymous2:47 am

    Hmmm. I'm in the mid-west. I walk on sidewalks. If I walked on pavement, I'd be hit by a bus. Still in the midwest. But I went back east this past week. It really sucked out loud. I didn't get hit by a bus, but close enough.

    Maybe you say FUCK alot and it sticks out like a sharp knife designed to hurt people. Or perhaps not. It could just be the anger that vibrates out is mildly distracting . . . But, youknow, anger isn't wrong. It's just anger.

  2. Anonymous2:49 am

    Also. Why do you pretend to be so mean sometimes?

  3. This blog is cheap therapy for me.
    I say fuck a lot in real life too.

  4. Also, mainly I'm trying to be funny.
    Clearly need to work on that.

  5. Anonymous10:51 pm

    yipes. wow, can *I* ever be humorless. . .

  6. don't worry - I've realised that this post is a bit off-colour.

    But I'm not going to delete it. If I'm crap sometimes, then I'm crap sometimes and firing my crapness into /dev/null doesn't make me any less crap.

  7. Anonymous12:45 am

    Select *
    From Diskgrinder
    Where '%FUCK%' = null


    Select *
    From Diskgrinder
    Where thought = today
    and anger <> sum(thought)

  8. now, that's someone new anonymous,

    for (i=who the fuck is that; until i find out || you tell me; i'll keep looking){
    and so on

  9. Anonymous1:51 am

    nope, sadly, just me again attempting to be amusing using modified sql.


  10. Anonymous2:25 am

    Oh, well. Gotta work and all that.

    I think I'll sign stuff to avoid confusion.



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