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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

functionally insane


This is how I feel right now - it's a combination of stress (panel of idiots, nod to imagine right there) and pharmaceuticals.


  1. Anonymous9:45 pm

    1)Meetings were designed by the dark one.

    2) I thought that o great pharma was supposed to make us better able to bear meetings? Evidently not.

    3) Numbering points in comments simply illustrates an underlying problem. I wonder if drugs might help.

    Me again btw.

  2. bear meetings? That sounds cool, some big furry carnivore doing a powerpoint.

  3. Anonymous11:00 pm

    giggles. If I appear at a meeting, it becomes a bear meeting right away. Ursus Littleus Americanalencis. Bears are omnivores, I'm glad to say. Wait. Don't *even* make a joke out of that. I didn't mean anything by it, and don't want to bother trying to rephrase. Alternativley, If you see no joke in there. Forget that last sentence. Ahem.

    Later Tater.


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