Seems to have done that already
Here's this fine man I've known for more than a decade who has (apparently) given up the metered life, measured in daily summing up, and found it wanting
Forgotten his friends, not that I know them or give a fuck, I mean me.
Forgotten that there's this one person (me again) through all the splinters, has been there, if not whole and heartened, still somehow unpleasantly there
A reminder that the rock of middle and average gets on and keeps on so that you can measure your successes and failures against that stoic benchmark
Never as crap, ever as flaked out, whenever there's a sport in drang
Always there as an inconstant buoy, riven on the same seas, but anchored to some depth condescended. A concrete example of one standard deviation within acceptable limits
Well, fuck you, I'm not your rule, and won't accept the sine wave of my predicted limits as the acceptable measure
I'm adrift too
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