Well, by now, you - one of the eight reading this blog - should have guessed that this is an echo-chamber, not an auditorium. I'm not really trying to engage an audience just now: I'm trying things out; mainly to see how embarrassed I am by my writing when I read it the next day - always a good measure in my opinion.
So, the main things I've found:
- I over-qualify, use too many adjectives. Half my writing is unwriting. Like embryonic development: where cells are shed from a mitten of undifferentiated flesh to define fingers and thumbs.
- I have forgotten the rules of grammar for speech.
- Parenthesised clauses feel like smug little asides from a knowing author to a complicit reader (don't you think?)
- I enjoy writing sentence by sentence, and risk losing the paragraph's meaning.
- I want to chop out great screeds of fine writing1 the morning after. But that wouldn't be in the spirit of blogging this stuff. On the other hand, I've cut some real self-indulgent crap, cheating or not.
- I write at night. I hate it in the morning. It still makes me cringe a week later. After a month it looks like someone else has written it. That's when to judge.
- Typography makes a difference. I just switched from helvetica to optima2 as the main font, now everything seems a little less immediate.
- I love semicolons.
1 calling something fine writing is not complimentary, ask a sub-editor.
2you need to have it to see it.