Cod philosophy. For the following I will remind you of: self referencing sentences; the Epimenides' paradox; Russell's paradox; and maybe a bit of Cantor's diagonal argument vs.
Jazz Butcher
(though not yet).
- Self reference: this statement refers to itself
- Epimenides: this statement is false
- Russell: what set does the set of all sets that don't contain themselves belong to?
- Cantor Jazz Butcher: some infinities are bigger than others; when one gets up, goes out of the room, it gets replaced by another
So I have two self-referencing questions, the answers to which are always
yes or
no because they ask if something has a property (and that's the only choice you get), but the trick is that they ask if they themselves have a particular property - for example "is this question written in English?".
1 is the definition of
2 is the pathological (in the epiminedes/russell sense) definition of
- is the answer to this question affirmative? - answer yes, and the question answers itself, in a way that can't get more affirmative
- is 'the answer to this question negative? - answer no and you're lying, answer yes and you're wrong
2 is more interesting because I could always answer
no to
1, but
2 circles recursively.
Then I'll enumerate the set of all questions and show that there's always one question not numbered (not in the set of all questions, but still a question). Haven't worked this bit out yet, which is where Cantor comes in.
Can't quite work out whether I'm taking the piss here. "Is it sugar?"
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